Beta 0.1
Display Simulator » Devlog
Beta 0.1
- custom scripts in lua using moonsharp(performance is not the best)
- loading screen
- menu (options not working, will add later)
API for lua:
- OLED.DrawPixel(int x, int y, int value, bool transparent ) - Set pixel at coordinate x,y with value of 1 - on, 0 - off
- OLED.DrawPixels(int[] screen, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool transparent) - Set pixels from 1d image array
- OLED.DrawText(int x, int y, string text, bool transparent) - Set pixel from text, starting at point x, y, where y is screen height divided by 5
- OLED.UpdateScreen() - Moves pixels from buffer to display
- OLED.Clear() - Clears buffer
- OLED.IsPressed(Button button) - Checks if button is pressed, returns false or true
- OLED.IsUp(Button button) - Checks if button is up
- OLED.IsDown(Button button) - Checks if button is down, returns false or true
- OLED.GetDeltaTime() - Gets delta time from last frame
- OLED.GoBackToMenu() - Returns to menu
- OLED.GetWidth() - Gets width of screen, returns int
- OLED.GetHeight() - Gets height of screen, returns int
- OLED.Button = {Up, Right, Down, Left, A, B}, e.g. OLED.Button.Up, returns button up.
Display Simulator Beta 0.1 19 MB
Dec 19, 2019
Display Simulator Beta 0.1 27 MB
Dec 19, 2019
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